Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We are goin to miss you Pops!

NORCO Fish Frys aren't goin to be the same with out you.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Intronetz r funz

some people will say anything on craigslist... this guy is trying to sell his dog pissed crappy guitar amp for about 15 bucks less then you can get a new one!
"Mint condition- all except my dog peed on the circuit board and now she's acting screwy. I tried to revive her, but I am not very handy with electronics. I made some progress, and she sings real good if you warm her up for 15 minutes or so. If you are a good with amps, this baby is a steal. I "upgraded" to the Vox 15 watt tube and that thing ain't nearly as nice. I would have bought the DA15 but it is discontinued- probably because they made it too good, dig?* Location: Uptown/Tulane "
only on new orleans craigslist...
just though that shit away, tulane student! ok well i need to go do some bill shit .. look at this video while i do that.

Friday, December 5, 2008

a sad day for springsteen bracelet..

the wristband that i received for getting onto the floor at the nashville springsteen show (august 21st 08) has finally pasted away while i was taking a well needed shower.. for the past four months .. all i needed to do is look at my right hand and reflect on the amazingness of the e street band... wow .. that show was fucking awsome.. ok i am goin to go see times new viking at the shit sham.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


ok just woke up from a horrible fucking dream... better say nice things so i have a nice day and hopully nice dreams..

here is a story about my awsome grandma... when my grandpa died we had to have a funeral for him. me and my uncles went to the funeral home and the cemitary to do all the stuff. that sucked. my only wish after i die is to make sure no fucking tool in the death business makes a dollar off my worthless body. just toss my decaying ass in the mississippi river.. anyway.. sidetracking here.. so when we are buying the plot in the mossalieum in the cemitary.. it turned out to be cheaper to get spot that holds 3 caskets.. 3 is such a weird number to me. hubsband.. wife... favorite kin?... i am sure it's a way to make dead family members to buy more expencive tombs later when the time comes.. fucking assholes.. anyway. the day of the funeral. i am with the family... i was a pallbarer. and shoved this five tousand dollar casket into this multi unit tomb. after i do it. i go stand near my grandma who hasn't really said a word since the unexpeted dead of her husband of 50 years and 2 days. she looks into the hole i put grandpa in and she see's the extra room next to the casket. grandma looks at me and points in the extra area..."that's for me isn't it?"...
"yes grandma, that's where you're gonna go."
shit. let me tell another story that isn't so depressing. one time my dad got this new girlfreind that was a fucking bone head... one of many bone head.. but this one took the cake for some reason.. anyway.. at a christmas or thanksgiving day family gathering the bonehead came to the funchtion to grace us with her worthless pressance and racsit coments. after her coming up to me and my grandma saying some stupid shit. my grandma turned to me and said "Mehaw, we are a family.. this is our family.. you see her (points at queen bonehead standing 2 feet away).. she is NOT FAMILY!"
grandma is awsome.


ahh.. thanksgiving. we (steve and claire) just got into nashville for the second anual thanksgiving weekend festivlies. i guese there is alot to be thankfull for .. other things not so thankfull for . for instance. that "well you still have your health" fraze that every one always says. my grandma is now enjoying her first week in an old folks home. i viseted her last night. it was horrible . after a twenty minute viset my dad was like. " ok mom. time to go" . it looked like she was about to cry. she said not to go with a death look on her face. she kept saying how scared she was to be there . and how mad she was for her children not to be staying over night with her. fuck. at least that is one thing i don't ever have to worry about. i am goin to kick it young or if by the slight astaunomical chance i make it to that age . the years of booze and naraticness will have pounded my brain into alstimers or plain old permenent fucked upness to the point to where i won't even know i am at death camp. my grandpa used to call old folks homes "god's waiting room" .. i feel like that is now sometimes. fuck . nothing ever changes. happy fucking thanks giving .....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nader Day

my dad called me and woke me up at 6:30 this morning.
"son, i just want to remind you today to excersie your right as an american"
to bad my candidate doesn't get certian rights he deserves. like the right to free speech for example. ok people . have fun voting for obama.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

eye <3 Athens

old pauly is now at the robert st. house protectin my land. and feeding my kitties. today is the first show of tour. it's at the caladonia lounge.. we (one man machine) has still not practiced once... i may cry on stage. practices have been all animal electric material. i love that set.. but i am just scared about bernards stuff.. he seems unfazed. oh well. we are doin the usual library internet stuff.. tomorrow we head on to North Carlolina (put your hands up) winston salem.. then philly .. THEN NYC! for three dates. that will be awsome. i am goin to do the routeen .. Wake up.. walk around.. eat in china town... walk around.. slice of pizza.. walk around.. play a show.. get sloshed... walk around .. eat pizza .. pass out in teh street.. X's 3 in a row! holy shit. this is goin to be fun. ..
this coffee shop in town is amazing.. i have been goin there every morning . they roast there own coffee in the barn.. .. it's called coffee jerkers... i dont like that name. i am goin to call it coffee barn. i love coffee barn!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


i fucking love athens GA. as soon as we got here we pulled into taco stand

holy shit. i ate so much. it was bombtastic. then me and bernard went to a recording studio where all these mega famouse bands recorded.. for example
they had a framed carrie nation lp on the wall.. it was awsome! they have a 1/2 in. tascam 16 track recorder!!!!! i want it!!!!
i will take pictures when we go back on friday to pick up the animal electric cds. then we went to this bar. and the bar tender was like.. "you play drums" and then it turns out we played a show together in baton rouge. he was the drumer for madaline adams. he looked way different.. no 3 foot beard anymore.. then we ran into some people in the street that lived in new orleans.. blah blahblah.. this city is crazy . every one is conected to everyone.. compleat strangers.. whatever.. ok. well i am goin to try and convince bernard to ditch this libray and goto a bar or taco stand.. peace!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Birthday Party Day

i started working at portercall last week.. it's pretty fun.. dirty dirty fucking dirty .. but fun.. and better money then most shit hole jobs in new orleans.. well today is elinore's birthday party and adam beebee's b day party... .. pretty nuts. i am goin miss new orleans for the next month and a half.. i leave monday for one man machine / animal electric tour.. ok. time to go eat sushi.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pho Tau Bay is where i want my funeral

My Favorite restraunt was closed for over a week due to Gustav. so i called every day since i have been back from evacuation to see if they were open.. for days i just got the answering machine saying that they were closed for Gustov untill further notice. here is the phone call the day they finnaly reopened.
PTB: "Hello, Photobay"
Me: "YAAHHYYY!!!! you are open!!!"
PTB: "Who's this,..Eric?"

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Holy Setlist Batman!

August 23, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
Scottrade Center

Then She Kissed Me [Tour Premiere—Crystals cover. First since 1975]
Radio Nowhere { lyrics }
Out In The Street { lyrics }
Adam Raised A Cain { lyrics }
Spirit In The Night { lyrics }
Rendezvous { lyrics }
For You { lyrics }
Mountain Of Love [Tour Premiere—Harold Dorman/Johnny Rivers cover. First since 1975]
Backstreets { lyrics }
Gypsy Biker { lyrics }
Because The Night { lyrics }
She's The One { lyrics }
Livin' In The Future { lyrics }
Cover Me { lyrics }
Mary's Place { lyrics }
Drive All Night { lyrics }
The Rising { lyrics }
Last To Die { lyrics }
Long Walk Home { lyrics }
Badlands { lyrics }

Girls In Their Summer Clothes { lyrics }
Jungleland { lyrics }
Detroit Medley
Born To Run { lyrics }
Dancing In The Dark { lyrics }
lyrics }
American Land { lyrics }
Thunder Road { lyrics }
Little Queenie [Tour Premiere—Chuck Berry cover. Ultra rare]
Twist And Shout

please note that i am not the brains behind the title of todays blog. it came from one of the many comments on a springsteen fan sight relatting on tonights show that we saw.. ok. it is fucking 7:15 am .. and we still haven't gone to bed yet. i will get steven to update you with the really funny shit later.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Set List

August 21, 2008
Nashville, Tennessee
Sommet Center
(me and dave call t noz to let him know we are about to see e street band)
1. Out In The Street
2. Radio Nowhere (steve called this one)
3. No Surrender (called lauren so she could hear this song . but it didn't work)
4. Lonesome Day
5. Spirit In The Night
at this point bruce is like MAX give me a beet! and then people start flipping the fuck out and rushing the stage with there posters that had song request, love messeges, old photo's of bruce playing baseball.. everything.. me nicole steve and dave were within feet of the stage.. it was fucking increadible. think of ... mermaid lounge close.. i could nearly high five him when he would lean over the crowd. holy shit balls.
6. Good Rockin' Tonight [Tour Premiere—first since 1980] .. he had to "have a confrence" with the band before playing this first random request. he was like "time to test the band".. and they pulled it off..
before the show started steve w was like "if bruce asked you what one song do you want us to play and we will do it"what would that song be......
7. Growin' Up (steve w grabbed me and screamed into my face for half the song...saying "fuck!!! i am throwing you on the stage!!!!fuck!!!"
8. I'm Going Down (called lauren agagin for this song .. she got it this time. this was the third request in a row he grabbed off of peoples cardboard signs in the crowd)
9. Held Up Without A Gun (bruce sweating so much at this point that he looked like a water sprinkler)
10. Darlington County
11. Loose Ends
12. Youngstown
13. Murder Incorporated (never really liked this song.. but after last night.. holy shit. it was fucking insane! .. holy shit!)
14. She's The One (extreem drunk guy that gave me dave and steve all dude pats at different parts through out the night seys "My life is complete now!" durring this song )
15. The Promised Land
16. Mary's Place (band gets lost .. bruce screams "G!" then they go a step higher.. then back on track)
16. (a). right here there was another song that bruce played with the guitar player.. i don't know why it's not on here?!! i dont know what song it was though.. aparently neather did the guitar player
17. I'm On Fire (another crowd sign he takes) sings this song on a chair that a roadie ran up and placed at the center front of the stage
18. The Rising
19. Last To Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands (holy shit.. max is a machine.. me and steve look at each other durring certian drum fills through out this song.)
less then
22. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
23. Thunder Road
plays these two into each other. max is a fucking machine
24. Born To Run
25. I Fought The Law (someone has a sign that seys happy birthday joe strummer)then they cover this song
26. Rosalita (i almost called doug jackson durring this song.. this was fucking increadible!)
27. American Land
bruce and the band take there second bow and crowd is still crazy.. then play there last song.
28. Dancing In The Dark
nearly three hours latter me and nicole still didnt go pee.

this is taken from a nerdyer springsteen web page.. but this is correct.
August 21 / Nashville, TN / Sommet Center
Notes: to come

Out in the Street
Radio Nowhere
No Surrender
Lonesome Day
Spirit in the Night
Good Rockin' Tonight
Growin' Up
I'm Goin' Down
Held Up Without a Gun
Loose Ends
Murder Inc.
Mona/She's the One
The Promised Land
Mary's Place
I Walk the Line/I'm on Fire
The Rising
Last to Die
Long Walk Home

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Nashville Bound

the lady in the boat with me is Alison AKA Alice... AKA i am not sure witch.. any ways . i had chopsley practice last night.. got out at like 1 am... then i road my bike home.. on the way there i stayed straight onto octavia st just past fountian blue.. at that point octavia becomes a one way goin the oposite direction of how i was goin.

so then i see car lights come up really quick behind me.. i got out the way and turn my body to prepar to tell this drunk asshole that he/she was driving down the wrong way. then.. thats when the cop lights go off and two cops shine the spot light in my face and start barking questions at me. "what are doing?, where are you goin!, what's your address!.. then Alice from her yard goes "Eric?!" and then the cops leave .. and then i go home. Thanks for saving my ass Alison!
Tommorrow i leave for Springsteen Tour 08. i am sure i will have some good Drunk Dave and Steve stories coming your way soon.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

morning person

i keep waking up at 5 to 7 am with out an alarm every damn morning.. the other day i woke up at 3:30 and could not get back to sleep.. i think it may have something to do with my eating habbits.. by eating habbits i mean not eating at all and just drinking all day... i am so nutrishus...i hit the 25lb mark on weight loss.. maybe i just have more energy and that is why i can't sleep at all.? or maybe i am just lossing my mind. any way . i am at the magazine punx/elvis house.. nathen is in new mexico ... i crashed in his room last night. he has a pretty boaring room. well time to go get coffee . first promis practice in months will take place today!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

chops show tonight

The Zeigeuiest will be holding the 4th chopsley show since the reuniting..tation.. i am still under the big 200 on the chubby scale. .. i am cooking a frozen pizza right now.. i hate the fact the i am about to eat a whole pizza bymyself. i have only been to jauns one time since the incsadent .. it was with adam in the mid city one durring a lunch break.. as i was eating my ground beef soft tacos i felt something was wrong... it hit me a few seconds later and i realized there was no jalopeanos on the tacos.. wo allways gave them to me from her BRC ... that made me sad. so then i ordered 2 PBR's and a margaritta .. then went back to toby's tippsy for the rest of the work day. ok. well i am goin to do a 4hour wtul show then play a chopley show then go fire bomb pj's on magazine for firing dorthy ...

Monday, July 28, 2008


i saw wolf parade a couple nights ago with tnoz. i think i am enjoying more now over myspace then i was at the show.. they were ok.. but the crowd is one of those crowds that king of make you hate music. . well. i am goin to eat PTB with amy. talk to you assholes later!

Friday, July 25, 2008


So i think i am goin on this 2 month tour starting in September 1st ish... till nov. 1st. http://www.myspace.com/onemanmachine i hope this accually happens. so far the only reason i wont go is if i can't make enough money to pay my house note.. so i am starting a fund raiser... give me money!!!! wow. i am such a fucking looser.. .. a looser that is goin to get drunk in Canada for the 1st time ever!!!!!! ok. well. thats all to report on .. i will now end this gernal entry with a quoit from greg stein as he droped me off at my house at 7 am this morning
"Life Sucks!"

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

last day of detox

holy shit. i almost did it! wiht the exception of a few things..
on saturday i ate at a tex-metairie restraunt at the clearview mall after getting a wedding dress with melanie and her mom and sister.. i ate 3 peices of fried plantains that i am pretty sure had oil on them..
and yesterday i ate a big fucking smothie from smothie king and i am sure there is all king of shit in that that i can't have.
and the other day at toby's house i used what i thought was soy sause but then turns out to be dumpling sause with is soy sause with all king of shit in it.. seasme seed oil .. sugar.. corn syrup. .. etc. so that is it.. i think i did pretty good. i lost at lest 15 lbs.. but i still look like a huge asshole.
tomorrow ... pppppppppjjjjjjjjjjj's
then work ... then .. ppppoooorrrttteeeerrrrcccaaallllll
i can not fucking wait

Friday, July 11, 2008

so hungry

so . i think on wed. i will wake up and go straight to pho tau bay.. work my final day with mr. adam beesbees .. then go eat at porter call .. then pass out .. the end. i think i may have lost my school back with lots of shit in it... gernal, date book, camera, etc. i hope it turns up.. anyway. . i am fucking starving for real food and beer. i saw black belt last night at the dragon's den.. had band practace.. no real "urge" to have beer. so i guese that is good.. ahh. shit. i need to go track this school bag down. peace!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Holy Vegitable Shits

DETOX---- thats what i am doing.. this is day three of me not eating, drinking or inhailing any of the following:
mexican cokes
pho tau bay
catfish poboys with roast beef gravey and cheeze
holy fucking shit. i am starving !!!!! i started on monday .. so for i did lose some lbs. i was 220 after coming home from the czech republic. now i am 209. but not all that was in 3 days. i want to get down to 200 for october. then back to 300 by dec! . ok . well life sucks .. go fuck yourselfs!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

car wreck

i love goin on night bike rides.. the thing i hate.. underneath the I-10 overpass of Carolton Ave. is a "bike trail" so you can avoid the 65 mph drunk drivers on the non-exzisting shoulder. but the diversion leads to possibly more dangers.. like the fact that it is a very well hidden dark ally with lots of places to hide and jump out onto midnight bikers or walkers.. given.. most of the time this just harbors the piss of the drunken walkers.. but it is still a bit scarey to to bike through . also!. since the hurricane there has been this fucking pump gernerator thingy that has been blocking the path way just enough to where you think you may be biking fast enough to jump it .. but then after you try you nearly break your neck in the recovery .. just now was that moment. either risk driving on the plank that is carolton ave. or do the obstical bike course. and new on the abstical course .. a car!. that jumped over the exit!! i notisted it when i was trying to get back on my bike from the pump fuck up. there was a car hanging over the bridge about 5 feet away from my head with the tires still spinning and the oil from the engin sqirting out all over the place.. then i hear the yelling and crying of a lady.. .. i get up near the bridge and see this lady crying on her cell phone. "i fucking got in a wreck!.. i'm fucking bleeding!!" i tryed to ask her if she was ok after getting off the phone.. but she just kept crying and ignoring me.. so i just kept on trucking.. i think i will take the jefferson overpass next time.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Red Aunts!!!

i fucking hate mother fucking aunts . i feel like my viens are about to explode with puss. i am at jane's family's house in abita springs. it's the wo goin away pary slash jane b day bash. i am so full and sleepy.. ok .time to go and atempt bed tim,e

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tommy The Cat 2002-2008

you were one of the best!

we will miss you so much

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Back in Prague

oh shit cakes.. i just got back tonight from the land of 2 radio stations.. it was fun.. i did a lot of things the past 3 dazs. thursdaz i beleive is the daz we left prague and went to jan and zužana§s mother§s house. it was alot of fun. it was about 3 and half hours awaz at driving over 85mph.. like 140 killometers per hour.. and we were the slow pokes on the road.. i though we were goin to die at certain parts.. we went to BÄ›lclav .. a town that is verz old but some how safe from icky sprall like the usa.. infact it seems alot stuff is safe from that here in wurope so far.. if new orleans has another hurrican and i loose mz house.. i think i will have to move hear for a few zears and unwind mz stress. this past couple zears have been exceptionallz shittz.. being here has reallz helpped.. or distracked me.. i dont know zet.. i think it is helping me cope with dieing and shit.. fuck. i am sorrz i have to turn everz journal entrz about deppressing shit.. but. i am depressed.. not now.. but usuallz i am . anzwazs.. being hear is mz medication i think.. i will not be mad if i came home and found mz house burnt to the ground or destrozed bz wild fast eating termites.. .. acctualz it is like it is burt down and it is eaten bz termites alreadz-- fuck.. that is it . i am stazing here in pprague.. see zou stupid amerians in hell..

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

wow europeans

ok . i have to go in a second .. i just wanted to saz whats up before i take off to do i dont know what for then i dont know how manz hours, . europe people are funnz. the cops are nice and skinny.. one lives in the apart building that we are stazing at . he is also a dancer.. like tango dancer.. people here act different.. like thez fart in front of zou and think nothing of.. breakfest is cheeze and challa bread. parents excuse there kids at the table to go smoke pot... just know at the breakfest table zuzana told us about her son§s first boner.. thomas went up to his mother at 8 zears old and ask what this was and how to get it down.. zuzana told him to go put cold water on it. so i never know what we are about to do because things allwazs change .. i i never reallz understand everzone. so now i think we are about to go to the garage to get a car fixed and go to the "big" castle.. there are so manz fuckin castles§§§§!! ok got to go.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

greetings from prauge

ok . so i am in the czech republic!! the kezboard is weird and i have what some people might saz a poor spelling diseas so please bear with me . right now its about 10 30 pm in the prauge. it is so fucking beatiful here.. oh mz god11'1'1'1!1"!1' it is so nice. i am stazing at Jan§s sister§s apartment in the center of prauge basiclz. this place is so old and so prettz . we flew into germanz from atlanta .. when getting on the cxech airlines i was called on the loud speaker in the airport.. thez said i could not bring the special wepond on the plan witch was in mz lugage from america.. it was prettz funnz . then i was like it is a guitar.. and then 3 germans had a huge laugh and talked about me but i could not understand. he said something about americans shooting beer cans... it was funnz. ok. i got to go to a pu .. to be continued

Sunday, April 27, 2008

These fucking fleas are murdering me .. lauren's house is killing me.. the past two weeks have been a flea factory here. but .. i have been on a 24/7 itch fest, waking up in the middle of the night to do some killings of the fleas attacking me during the neutral hours.. well if it's war they want.. it's a war they have gotten that has already begun! you have no clue what you assholes are up against !! i am from the fucking westbank you dumbasses!!!!!!

T Minus 24 Hours Before Lift off

i will be at msn (as usual lauren likes to read over my shoulder when she notices i am blogging so that she can tell me what i should not write or to stop writing depressing entrys... stop censoring me!!! anyway 'MSY') in less then one day.. kind of excited .. kind of nurvous ... kind of dreading it... kind of clueless...
excited- i ready to leave new orleans for a two week venture and have no responsiblity but drinking good non-import beer and taking photos of really old buildings. not that i have any responsibility at all anyway.
nurvouse- i think one of the 6 planes i will be taking through out this trip will crash into the ocean. i may be hated in other countries because i am american and people my think i like george bush or something... and then want to kill me in a painful manner..
dreading- my dad and uncle are goin to meet up with us 5 days into the trip and there pla is to take me away from amy and jan and go to concentraction camps for the rest of the trip.. my uncle is really into nazi shit..

this is a photo of some framed shit he has in his guest bed room. he also has an obsession with old money.. confederate money.. really anything money.. he wants to go to 3 concentration camps. this is goin to fucking suck.. i am thinking of ways to get out of this.. but i think i am doomed to go on another racist trip .. like the one i went on to taus new mexico a few years back.. the one where "Tay Tays" was born.. go back to the old school flannel ass if you want to research more history on that trip.. fuck... and on top of that i am
CLUELESS!!!!! because i have no clue what will happen the second i get into europe.. where we are staying .. what we are doing.. how we will get anywhere!!!! its no fucking help talking to Jan about this.. between his poor english, bending the truth (or just compleatly making shit up like REM is goin to be playing in prauge while i am there!!) or just changing his mind about shit every other second .!!! i am clueless..
i hope this doesnt' suck.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

37 flea bites

i am so mother fucking itchy!

it's late in dat mornin ya heard

i just got to wo's house. it's so late .. i want to pass out.. but. time for a drunken entry first.

Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
04/24/2008 01:54 am Pot 2005 Dash Rip Rock Recyclone Alternative Tentacles Records Local
04/24/2008 01:50 am It Finally Happened Sloppy Seconds Knock Yer Block Off! Taang! Punk
04/24/2008 01:48 am Hash Pipe Weezer Hash Pipe Hash Pipe Punk
04/24/2008 01:45 am Cheap Tragedies The Avengers The Avengers Slash Punk
04/24/2008 01:42 am First Degree Pink Razors 7" Rorschach Punk
04/24/2008 01:37 am Articles of Faith Articles of Faith Core Bitzcore Punk
04/24/2008 01:27 am Work Big Boys Fat Elvis Touch and Go Punk
04/24/2008 01:01 am i need to know used kids 7 inch salinas records Punk
04/24/2008 01:00 am In my Life Leatherface Discography Part Two Deranged Punk
04/24/2008 12:59 am Hey Stinky Assfactor 4 Assfactor 4 Old Glory Punk
04/24/2008 12:58 am 9 Years Later Born Against 9 Patriotic Hymns Vermiform Punk
04/24/2008 12:55 am Eyeball Scratch Acid The Greatest Gift Touch & Go Punk
04/24/2008 12:52 am time has come today Angry Samoans Back From Samoa PVC Punk
04/24/2008 12:50 am paper cuts Nirvana bleach sub pop Punk
04/24/2008 12:48 am cinderblock Canadan Rifle 7 inch criminal iq Punk
04/24/2008 12:47 am Young Shavers Giant Haystacks Blunt Instrument Mistake Records Punk
04/24/2008 12:45 am Scenes From France Promise Ring horse latitudes Jade Tree Punk
04/24/2008 12:42 am f**k the Border Propaghandi today's empires, tomorrow's ashes Fat Wreck Chords Punk
04/24/2008 12:37 am Crawlspace Feederz Teachers in Space Broken Rekids Punk
04/24/2008 12:34 am Attempted Control Code of Honor Complete Studio Recordings 1982-1984 Skate or Die Records Punk
04/24/2008 12:32 am What's this s**t called Love? The Pagans s**t Street Crypt Punk
04/24/2008 12:30 am f**k the world Queers love songs for the retarded Lookout! Punk
04/24/2008 12:25 am hickey is about long hair and getting high Hickey Various States of Disrepair Povety Punk
04/24/2008 12:22 am my heart and the real world Minutemen Double Nickels on the Dime SST Records Punk
04/24/2008 12:20 am Merchandise Fugazi Repeater Dischord Punk
04/24/2008 12:15 am henrey k the ex turn Touch and Go Punk
04/24/2008 12:12 am homosexual presedent Wrangler Brutes Zulu Kill Rock Stars Punk
04/24/2008 12:11 am drain Cleveland Bound Death Sentence ST Lookout Punk
04/24/2008 12:10 am compact disc Screeching Weasel Major Label Debut Panic Button Punk
04/24/2008 12:05 am Prayer to G-d Shellac 1000 Hurts Touch and Go Punk
04/24/2008 12:00 am f**k School The Replacements Stink Twin Tone Punk
04/23/2008 11:58 pm she's my lover Kid Loco prelude to a grand love story Royal Belleville

so this is what me and adam and coach played the past 2 hours at wtul. we broke a rule. the one that has to do with being drunk at the radio station. sorry .. but we bent that rule. here is what we did a few hours earlyer in the same day!

04/23/2008 12:10 pm Decision, Decision Panther 14KT Gold Kill Rock Stars Prog
04/23/2008 11:58 am Old Address of the Unknown The Fastbacks Answer the Phone
, Dummy Sub Pop Prog
04/23/2008 11:54 am Rock of Gibraltar Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Nocturama Anti Prog
04/23/2008 11:50 am slow dog belly slow dust ep 4AD Prog
04/23/2008 11:48 am star dust remedy The Jesus and Mary Chain Munki Sub Pop Prog
04/23/2008 11:43 am O Mundo Invisivel Sa e Guarabyra Cadernos de Viagem Continental World
04/23/2008 11:39 am No Way Out Clarence Reid The Outskirts of the Deep City Numero Group Soul/Funk
04/23/2008 11:35 am lowdown lets active cypress irs Prog
04/23/2008 11:30 am Avenging Annie Andy Pratt self titled columbia Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 11:25 am Let's Buy happiness Boys Noize Oi Oi Oi Remixed Last Gang Electronic
04/23/2008 11:22 am Accident Waiting to Happen Discount Love Billy RBI Punk
04/23/2008 11:22 am Boyz M.I.A. Boyz interscope Prog
04/23/2008 11:18 am Vendetta The Tomatoes WTUL Songs from the Basement Vol. 6 WTUL Local
04/23/2008 11:17 am Nada Sera como Antes Milton Nascimento and Lo Borges Clube da Esquina World Pacific World
04/23/2008 11:13 am I Want You Elvis Costello and the Attractions Blood & Chocolate Columbia Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 11:12 am Good Friend Plants and Animals Parc Avenue Secret City Prog
04/23/2008 11:11 am Don't Bring Me Down J Church Orchestra ELO's Greatest Hits RBI Punk
04/23/2008 11:09 am Absolutely Cuckoo Magnetic Fields 69 Love Songs Vol. 1 Merge Prog
04/23/2008 11:05 am You and Me / Might Archers of Loaf Icky Mettle Merge Prog
04/23/2008 10:57 am Forbidden Fruit The Bananas Forbidden Fruit Plan-it-x Punk
04/23/2008 10:55 am tommorrow Grumpies who ate stinky recess records Punk
04/23/2008 10:51 am starving in the belly of a whale Tom Waits blood money Anti- Prog
04/23/2008 10:50 am Paper Planes MIA Kala Interscope Kids
04/23/2008 10:45 am river song Dennis Wilson pacific ocean blue Caribou Gospel
04/23/2008 10:17 am Hot Shot Need New Body UFO File 13 Prog
04/23/2008 10:11 am Range Life Pavement Crooked Rain Crooked Rain Matador Prog
04/23/2008 10:07 am Who Will Lead Us? The Gutter Twins Saturnalia Sub Pop Prog
04/23/2008 10:05 am Craftsman Strawman Shoot me Up / The Lottery Allied Punk
04/23/2008 09:54 am Hung from the Moon Earth The Bee Made Honey in The Lion's Skull Southern Lord Prog
04/23/2008 09:52 am Oh Deadly Nightshade! New Bloods The Secret Life Kill Rock Stars Prog
04/23/2008 09:50 am I Wanna Go Home Pizza Demo Tape Self Released Punk
04/23/2008 09:47 am wild honey beach boys Wild honey Capitol Records Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 09:45 am invention glass eye huge wrestler reocrds Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 09:39 am Atlantic City Bruce Springsteen Nebraska Columbia Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 09:27 am The Passenger Siouxsie & The Banshees Through the Looking Glass Geffen Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 09:22 am Ash Murder by Death Red of Tooth and Claw Vagrant Prog
04/23/2008 09:20 am Wasn't Born to Follow The Byrds The Notorious Byrd Brothers Columbia Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 09:18 am La Danse de Mardi Gras The Zydepunks WTUL Songs from the Basement Volume 6 WTUL Local
04/23/2008 09:14 am Straight Ahead Greg Sage Straight Ahead Enigma Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 09:09 am chesterfield king Jawbreaker Bivouac Communion Label Punk
04/23/2008 09:05 am Erin Tobey Live on WTUL N/A Prog
04/23/2008 08:55 am go get gone singsing self titled self released Country
04/23/2008 08:51 am Celebrated Summer Husker Du New Day Rising SST Records Punk
04/23/2008 08:50 am bang on breeders moutain battles 4ad Prog
04/23/2008 08:45 am two feet radon Aw Geez... No Idea Punk
04/23/2008 08:40 am Dragonfly Pie Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks Real Emotional Trash Matador Prog
04/23/2008 08:38 am Ghosts of American Astronauts Mekons So Good it Hurts Low Noise Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 08:35 am We're a Bad Trip Camper van Beethoven II & III Rough Trade Alt Oldie
04/23/2008 08:26 am Bent out of Shape The Replacements All Shook Down Sire Loud Rock
04/23/2008 08:23 am Strawberry Man Mark Lang Guitar Soli Numero Group Folk
04/23/2008 08:18 am Ephaphatha (Be Opened) Human Bell Human Bell Thrill Jockey Prog
04/23/2008 08:16 am Not Entitled Giant Haystacks Blunt Instrument Mistake Records Punk
04/23/2008 08:14 am This is What I Want This Bike is a Pipebomb Front Seat Solidarity Plan-it-X Punk
04/23/2008 08:11 am Tsaress Amps for Christ The People at Large 5RC Folk
04/23/2008 08:07 am Up on the Sun Meat Puppets Up on the Sun SST Alt Oldie

ok . i am so sleepy. time for a nap.
peace yall!

Monday, April 21, 2008

t minus 7 days before i leave to go to the other side of the world for the very first time.. i am shitting my pants.. i really dont want to go. but i am sure once i am there i will have the time of my life and tare up my plane ticket and become a europian man. oh shit. i need to go take a shower and relax ..

Monday, April 14, 2008


i am affraid to uncover anything in my house... i am sure it all looks like this in areas of the house. whatever.. by the time i fix my house another hurricane will come and just shit all over it again... fuck it. i should be at work right now.. but i am not happy over there anymore.. and i rather be fixing my own house.. maybe i will just put in like 3 or 4 hours today .. then spend the rest at my house... ..hnnnn.. ok .. i guses i should tell a story.. thinking thinking....??,... how about the many on going story of how some people just look at me and think "hey!, there's a guy i can fuck with!" sometimes i just get unprevoked "step ups".. or as kattie goldstein sez... "catching a Buck".. most of the time happening in bars... sometimes in coffee shops when there is a bryan funck show happening.. but sometimes a guy will just look at me and imeadialtly start trying to get a fight out of me...? is is the glasses? is it the fact that i look 5 years younger then i accutally look?? maybe i am flattering myself there.. but.. it always seems to happen.. take last night ... i go to cooter browns .. a weekly ritual.. go eat and drink a over priced beer.. then i leave.. and this doosh bag sees me trying to pass him.. and he refuses to get the fuck out the way.. "excuse me sir".. nothing.. "can i please get threw?" i get smart as smerk and comment .. still no path.. so then i push him with my half of poboy out my way.. i gave a little more room then i actually needed.. then he eye fucks me and swears to his freinds about me till i exit bar...WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! why couldn't he just move the fuck out the way like a normal human being.!!!!!! another ongoin crack is one dealing with the fact that i look like man lady... "shim" "pat" .. i get called that at least twice a year in bars By Total STRANGERS!!! who the fuck does shit like that!!??? the next person that calls me motherfucking pat is goin to get a fucking pool stick up there dick hole!!!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

meet my nieghbor... crazy nieghbor that is..

he stayed for the hurricane .. something that i wish i have done.. but i am glad i left.. for i would have probably not ever got to become good freinds with vulcans.. and every one i know that has stayed seems a little bit nuttyer since before the axadent.. it like acid... some people take it.. and are crazy crazy for the rest of there life.. some people take it.. go crazy for a night.. then go back to functioning like normal human beings .. except you know that something is kind of off with that person... some micro chip is fryed... some are more avvious then others.. like ed blum... clearly tramatised... the convention center really did a number on him.. or on the other end.. cassia who got rescued off a roof in mid city then plopped onto i 10 for a couple days stranded there in the heat .. she hides her acid fryed micro chips well.. but trust me .. they're there. mine aren't hidden to well after a few beers in a bar.. and i was in austin for the flood!.. shit. ok. well time to go drinking.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I love how Mike Myers and Chris Tucker are like WTF

Well . i am goin to Europe in 3 weeks... i am nervous as hell. i just watched about 45 you tube plane crashes .. i sheetrocked a house for this guy last year... he was a pilot for delta.. he pretty much said that there is no chance of living when you crash in the ocean.. i was like "why do they allways show planes floating in the little booklets in the seat pocket? does that really happen?" he said nope.. .. you just sink and die... i am goin to pho tau bay while i still can.

Monday, February 25, 2008

i am so tired

all i want to do is sleep all day. 2 years ago i was so hellbent on moving back to new orleans. and now i am so stressed out and depressed,., god i am such a fucking looser. i can still make myself sick just thinking about Vi. it's already been one week since she died. the crazy think about thinking about my freinds that are no longer here is remembering certian conversations we have had .. and then thinking "that it's so easy .. i can do that again one day.. i will be able to just do it right now".. but then realizing i can't .. it blows my mind.. i just get really confused...i dont understand how it's not possible. last time i was in austin before lance died.. i made a half ass effort to get in touch with him.. . goddamit. i dont know how to deal with this.. i guese i will just go to work and sand wood siding and think about it all day long again.. that doesnt really help though. . i dont know what will. the jazz funeral last night was really nice.. all of Vi's freinds seem really nice. i need to get to know more of them. right after i sand this damn house ..

Monday, February 4, 2008

I am Sick

Party Gras is in full efect . except i am sick with a cold.. poopness maxumniss! Rougarou played a fun show yesterday. we have alot more in the next two months. man i want to go fishing riht now..maybe i will do that for my mardi gras present to me. lauren is goin to nashville really early.. i can drop her off and then go catch some red fish! I need to go get my passport today.. or go get the shit to gether to get it. this entry is real dumb. sorry.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Today was a great day!.. all with the exception that my ride cymble was not at the band practice space. . but i have a feeling it will show up. my sister gave me my bike that i had back in the day .. pre k. . i went to pno tau bay. .. with lauren. thats amirlacl i started painting latex at the house i am working in mid city... i ate jauns.. ok .. so maybe it wasnt the best day. but. at least i am not extreemly depressed like i usslay am.. i am so happy. !!!! no i am not being sarcastic lauren.. stop reading over my shoulder!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ed Blum emailed me this page of about 100 articles dealing with america's war protest all over the world. Check it out!

so it is pooring raining witch means i am not painting a house today.. so what to do? i will scan random things from my not-a-school bag into my mom's computer. and then go eat pho tau bay! life rules.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Kitty moss pit!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

shit week

most depressing week of the year.. hopfully . i have been so upset latley that i feel sick and achy everyday . tim butcher's jazz funural is happening today.
after that i have to rush to go set up and play a show at the circle bar. hopfully that will cheer me up. making videos with darin worked for a bit. but maybe being productive in other areas will work too? i should try that rather then just sitting drunk somewhere. ok.. it's early.. time to go do something ! like get coffee.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008

i get upset whenever i see his name in my email contact list.

Hey dude,

Thanx for the note. Things are getting better I guess. I had a really good meeting with a new cardiologist yesterday. I feel a lot more confident about the heart stuff. I just need to find a kidney now, but that might not be as big a problem as I thought... The biggest problem is that I owe like $40,000 and that doesn't include dialysis! I'm not totally sure what to do about it, but I'm applying for every state or government funded aid there is...

See ya,


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Your Pizza is Ready

here is a photo the darin made of me. i'm such a fucking patriot. speaking of darin. here is a video of me marie and him in austin texas (pre-k) that we made for our freind's birthday present.

'm about to go hang out with Marie in a little bit..we are goin to the new thrift city.. two awsome places that got fucked in mid city for the huricane have reopened on the westbank. thrift city and union super market. i still haven't been by union yet. i wish they would open up on carolton again. now all there is in that shity strip mall is rock and bowl, the haven for cheezy metairie tools and rich penises. ok. we last night i mixed chuck and mike benish's band on my four track . i can't figure out how to blog it. but if anyone wants to here it.. i am sure whoever reads this shitty ass blog has my phone number too. so call and we will hang out and order pizza. ok . time to go get coffee.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

So busy...

happy new year .. i am goin to keep track of how many shows i play this year... just something i want to do .. so for starting january 1st. secret passage and promis played a show at the big top.. so that counts for 2! on the show a meater.. ok. i am goin to get ready and go to parkway to me jane andy and tomtom. peace!