Thursday, November 27, 2008


ahh.. thanksgiving. we (steve and claire) just got into nashville for the second anual thanksgiving weekend festivlies. i guese there is alot to be thankfull for .. other things not so thankfull for . for instance. that "well you still have your health" fraze that every one always says. my grandma is now enjoying her first week in an old folks home. i viseted her last night. it was horrible . after a twenty minute viset my dad was like. " ok mom. time to go" . it looked like she was about to cry. she said not to go with a death look on her face. she kept saying how scared she was to be there . and how mad she was for her children not to be staying over night with her. fuck. at least that is one thing i don't ever have to worry about. i am goin to kick it young or if by the slight astaunomical chance i make it to that age . the years of booze and naraticness will have pounded my brain into alstimers or plain old permenent fucked upness to the point to where i won't even know i am at death camp. my grandpa used to call old folks homes "god's waiting room" .. i feel like that is now sometimes. fuck . nothing ever changes. happy fucking thanks giving .....

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