Sunday, April 13, 2008

meet my nieghbor... crazy nieghbor that is..

he stayed for the hurricane .. something that i wish i have done.. but i am glad i left.. for i would have probably not ever got to become good freinds with vulcans.. and every one i know that has stayed seems a little bit nuttyer since before the axadent.. it like acid... some people take it.. and are crazy crazy for the rest of there life.. some people take it.. go crazy for a night.. then go back to functioning like normal human beings .. except you know that something is kind of off with that person... some micro chip is fryed... some are more avvious then others.. like ed blum... clearly tramatised... the convention center really did a number on him.. or on the other end.. cassia who got rescued off a roof in mid city then plopped onto i 10 for a couple days stranded there in the heat .. she hides her acid fryed micro chips well.. but trust me .. they're there. mine aren't hidden to well after a few beers in a bar.. and i was in austin for the flood!.. shit. ok. well time to go drinking.

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