Sunday, May 4, 2008

Back in Prague

oh shit cakes.. i just got back tonight from the land of 2 radio stations.. it was fun.. i did a lot of things the past 3 dazs. thursdaz i beleive is the daz we left prague and went to jan and zužana§s mother§s house. it was alot of fun. it was about 3 and half hours awaz at driving over 85mph.. like 140 killometers per hour.. and we were the slow pokes on the road.. i though we were goin to die at certain parts.. we went to Bělclav .. a town that is verz old but some how safe from icky sprall like the usa.. infact it seems alot stuff is safe from that here in wurope so far.. if new orleans has another hurrican and i loose mz house.. i think i will have to move hear for a few zears and unwind mz stress. this past couple zears have been exceptionallz shittz.. being here has reallz helpped.. or distracked me.. i dont know zet.. i think it is helping me cope with dieing and shit.. fuck. i am sorrz i have to turn everz journal entrz about deppressing shit.. but. i am depressed.. not now.. but usuallz i am . anzwazs.. being hear is mz medication i think.. i will not be mad if i came home and found mz house burnt to the ground or destrozed bz wild fast eating termites.. .. acctualz it is like it is burt down and it is eaten bz termites alreadz-- fuck.. that is it . i am stazing here in pprague.. see zou stupid amerians in hell..

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