Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hazlett NJ

another day of waking up and running to the BBQ grill... setting it on fire and throwing a hunk of piggy on it.. only to watch it get tastey over the course of a day then eat it... with my my mom, sister amy, aunt margret, cousin mishell and baby neese lie-ahn-a.. one unfortunatley could not make this glorious butt eating event.. one suzy martinez

after 16 long years of fun, excitement, jedi wisdom, huricain evacuation and relocation.. Suzy had to set sail to a greater place.. an island with many dryed up pig ears and no carpet that couldn't not be pissed on.. suzy, you are deeply missed.. but you had a long tubby life... like a true nola dog. see you in a few years !

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