Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greetings from the final stop of findingmyselftour2011-

another day, another state, ..

another slowly cooking butt.
this is the handy work of Dr. Jamz.. i drove from the ashburn punk house in virgina yesterday... its sad.. that place is very quickly getting eaten up by suburbia.. what was once a beautiful dirtroad, very wooded forest/farm land... is now.. not at all.not in any way. i woke up on the floor of the dinning room to the sound of pile drivers and tractors making dirt mounds... getting prepaired to make a discusting peice of shit slab house in eye view of the front porch. .. i dont know what to do about this situation.. its hopeless .. oh well, better have a few more beers and eat this pig.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I ate a Jim's Wiz, Witt steak yesterday!

even phily kittys know im a lover

so after eating a philly cheese steak in philly with adam ritter.. we went to a place i really can't aford to go to right now.. record exchange THE BEST FUCKING RECORD STORE IN PHILLY! while i was in the basement thumbing through lp's an earthquake hit for a few seconds and the walls shook the pictures on the wall. i bought alot of record.. but i only spent 28 bucks!!
i got a that petroal emotion single
2 Dwight Twilley albums
rod argents all together now
turtle's battle of the bands.
a throwing muses record i never seen before
2! altered images records!!!
ANDDDD.. dunn dunn dun duuuuunnnn...(drum roll, symble crashes, woopie cushion farts)

i can now die.
me and charles p air graveltons cellivratted by goin to a fancy philly restraunt and then goin to his band practice space to do some fuckin jamming!!!! i wish he would move back to metairie where he belongs and reunite hatchback. after that i went to side car to drink amazing beer. a lady got shot outside the bar around midnight. but i think was ok. just a leg hit. with in 60 seconds 3 cop cars were there.. with in 5 minutes.. at least 30 cars, caution tape and blocked streets.. the nieghborhood was lit up.. that would never happen at home.. in the treme a few months ago there was multiple shots at this house a few doors away from the metal shop i was work at. 3 or so minutes .. a fire truck.. but they can't stop untill cops get there.. the fire fighter i was with had a name for what they were doing but i forgot the term.. basicly firfighters have to wait for a cop car to get there first for shootings where it may still be dangerous or something.. that fire truck made many trips around the block before A cop car showed up... for a shooting... i love louisiana.
my cousin knows how to say "hi"

Sunday, August 21, 2011

this little kid at legaurdia airport flipped out over my really cool t shirt today

Amy went back to nola today. oh god im so sleepy... me and mom took the ferry to governers island today after we ditched amy. if all the chimney sweeps, old timey, folko, 1920's i phone crust punks in new orleans would have been there.. they would have been in heaven..
my band mates make lovely web pages!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hazlett NJ

another day of waking up and running to the BBQ grill... setting it on fire and throwing a hunk of piggy on it.. only to watch it get tastey over the course of a day then eat it... with my my mom, sister amy, aunt margret, cousin mishell and baby neese lie-ahn-a.. one unfortunatley could not make this glorious butt eating event.. one suzy martinez

after 16 long years of fun, excitement, jedi wisdom, huricain evacuation and relocation.. Suzy had to set sail to a greater place.. an island with many dryed up pig ears and no carpet that couldn't not be pissed on.. suzy, you are deeply missed.. but you had a long tubby life... like a true nola dog. see you in a few years !

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Raha threw out all the coffee and now i gota go to Think

in Cobble Hill New York steeling music from tommy's cd book. gota go move the truck for street cleaning in a minute. well usually i reserve about 100 dollars when ever i go to new york so that i can go get ripped off at B&H buying 10ish rolls of film ... but now.. i can give the bird to B&H thanks to the NOPD!!!! thats right.. those really nice people have decided to give me BOXES OF FILM FOR FREEEEEE!!!!! amy is on a mission leaving tomorrow morning in nola bringing me the goods... so far we got 100 rolls of film.. hopfully i can get the rest of the many boxes of film that they are tossing in a dumpster to make room for the digital age... ok.. time to go run in to frank sinatra or woody allan and his wifey daughter.

Friday, August 12, 2011

a drunk say bra threw a subway planter at a skunk last night in collage town

greetings from ITHACA!!!!!!

we fuckin made it! 3 cars, 2 trailors and 2 doggys.... this is like hippie disney land up here.. but also with some doosh balls frat boys sprinkeled around town like painfull butt pimples that won't pop . i smoked a brisket today.. this morning when i woke up, i lit the coals and then marched in the field with an ax and chopped wood from one of the many apple trees back there to use in the smoker.. probably the most manly thing ive ever done.. and the meat came out good.
. we just came inside the farm house from attempting to chop down a path to the pond in the the back yard .. there is some thick ass growage in those acers. . we got ran out by buggs and total darkness before we could reach our destination.. tomorrow we will start from where we left and find this mother fucking pond.
marie and will's front yard is a mountain

me and will pee out side alot

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Greetings from OHIO!

we are at a motel off i 71. there is like 1 million harleydaverson stores in these parts.. Megan would have the worlds strongest boner in ohio... ok well getting in the car to ITHACA! see you at the brew pub

Thursday, August 4, 2011

i just drove a buick to water burger... like a pimp

maire is listening to some really white lady interviewing jay z while priming a window sill. i just got back from an art gallery where BOYFIREND just played .. holy cow shit.. that band is like watching top gun. this austin trip is goin swimingly. im never returning!