Friday, October 23, 2009

I had a fishing dream

Fishin' Fridays with Bob Marshall

RJ should have his own fishing show

Thursday, October 22, 2009

i really miss my old life

You say you have all the answers,
I don't know,
I don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bing Bing

I've been searching for this song ever since Q 93 sold out to clear channel and then stop playing good local hip hop music. this song is mind blowing!!!! i'm goin to dance my ass off at fin's for the next boodie dance off. which was won by my sister yesterday. ok. bounce on!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10 good things that happened today

1. i made a stink about how exspensive the photo emulsion was at the crappy art suply store on magazine and then he gave me and chuck 7 dollars off.
2. jauns sold me dollar pbrs
3. i didn't have to go to work today.
4. me and hazlet had alot of bonding time
5. i cleaned the fuck out of my house
6. i did a radio show and people liked it.. and some called to say they didn't . but i like it when people call.
7. theo's sold me dollar drafts.
8. band practice
9. hazlet is sitting on my lap right now and purring
10. i'm goin to listen to records and pass out.
today was a good day.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

on a brighter note

Mr. F is comin to town within hours.

we are goin to party .. so i did stupid stuff this week.. i made two perchaises that cost the same
wulitzer omni 6500
and a guitar .. both 200 dollars each. maybe that will force me to learn how to play guitar and piano... ok. time to go work at Catty cart cornner for the saints game!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

went to gretna fest tonight. it was ok. ten dollars.. i saw what i wanted to see of the two bands i wanted to see... accually i wanted to see more of allen tousaint then soul assgasum. today was the first time i saw my dad after the day i flipped out .. that wa weired. alot of things were weried today. i always used to think my sister was goin to have to deal with my dead body one day... maybe for the simple fact that she was born in 83 and i in 80.. but tonight . i think she is goin to kill herself before i do.. thats sad... makes me wnat to die 3 years ago..