Saturday, December 5, 2009


Rob called me 6 or so months ago. said.. i'm grilling a rump.. i was at his house in seconds. got so full and stuffed that i left my camera at there place and just got the photo's developed. i have been shooting film since my digital slr bit the dust. i'm happyer doin that now. ..

i'm at my mom's house right now.. hazlet has been relocated to 801 marlene dr in gretna.. likes the carpit floors..

i'm goin to mascas in avindale in a couple of hours. earlyer today i was at zots for about 3 hours... i wish it was a guitar shop vintage guitar shop still.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

back home

I came back from athens yesterday. i did very little there on that quick 11 hour visit.
1 got beer at the new pizza town.
2. hung out and drank alot of jamison with jacob of ham 1.
3. got coffee at jittery joes
4. ate at the grit.
then drove home. i think im moving there.

Friday, October 23, 2009

I had a fishing dream

Fishin' Fridays with Bob Marshall

RJ should have his own fishing show

Thursday, October 22, 2009

i really miss my old life

You say you have all the answers,
I don't know,
I don't know, i don't know, i don't know, i don't know

Monday, October 19, 2009

Bing Bing

I've been searching for this song ever since Q 93 sold out to clear channel and then stop playing good local hip hop music. this song is mind blowing!!!! i'm goin to dance my ass off at fin's for the next boodie dance off. which was won by my sister yesterday. ok. bounce on!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10 good things that happened today

1. i made a stink about how exspensive the photo emulsion was at the crappy art suply store on magazine and then he gave me and chuck 7 dollars off.
2. jauns sold me dollar pbrs
3. i didn't have to go to work today.
4. me and hazlet had alot of bonding time
5. i cleaned the fuck out of my house
6. i did a radio show and people liked it.. and some called to say they didn't . but i like it when people call.
7. theo's sold me dollar drafts.
8. band practice
9. hazlet is sitting on my lap right now and purring
10. i'm goin to listen to records and pass out.
today was a good day.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

on a brighter note

Mr. F is comin to town within hours.

we are goin to party .. so i did stupid stuff this week.. i made two perchaises that cost the same
wulitzer omni 6500
and a guitar .. both 200 dollars each. maybe that will force me to learn how to play guitar and piano... ok. time to go work at Catty cart cornner for the saints game!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

went to gretna fest tonight. it was ok. ten dollars.. i saw what i wanted to see of the two bands i wanted to see... accually i wanted to see more of allen tousaint then soul assgasum. today was the first time i saw my dad after the day i flipped out .. that wa weired. alot of things were weried today. i always used to think my sister was goin to have to deal with my dead body one day... maybe for the simple fact that she was born in 83 and i in 80.. but tonight . i think she is goin to kill herself before i do.. thats sad... makes me wnat to die 3 years ago..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

i didn't go to work today

i have no reason.. i'm just fucking tired.. me bb and chuck have a radio show at 4.. then band practace. i think we are goin to play chicago for our first show. it should be a fun drive.
me and tommy and raha went to pho tau bay yesterday for dinner.. i went there this morning for breakfest too. anyway. tommy's cousin was there and came to the table.. met raha for the first time.. and then she was like . "i want you to meet my boyfriend... Carl get over here!" and it was Carl!!! wolverine .. mr pho tau bay! that was hillarious to me... Raha left this morning. tommy will soon follow. sadness .. ok. time to go take this depression to the windixie and get a six pack...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

i got internets at the house

i had no clue this was at my finger tips.. i am never leaving the house again.
unless it's to go see a boodie dance contest.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


i used to get drunk with this guy when i was 18

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Joe Banks

nightmare central. i havent had a decent dream is so long. by decent .. i mean not waking up with panic attacts., my favorite is the teeth one. i get that 2 times a month at least. i wake up thinking i lost my teeth. .. i can't explane how convenceing and horifying it is every time my teeth are missing. . fuck. i ready for life number two.. playing/watching shows or being wtul is the only time i am every happy these days.. and latley.. that is not the case.. thats when i know that i am super fucked.. .. fuck fuck fuck.. i think i may move away sudenly .. .. here is a list of possible new homes:
Czech Republic
a closet in new york
joe shivers and riley's couch
athens GA
Domino Records
redwood forest
san pedro CA
sandiago CA
bottom of a vulcano

Thursday, July 9, 2009

so sleepy

i hate my house so much. i wish i never borrowed money from a bank in fucking louling. tonight i was so tense while recording that i accidentaly did something kind of bad. .. i ripped my pinky toe nail off .. i was just picking at it sort of. and then all of a sudden i relised i was holding my toe nail. it looks like a rat bit it off. it all bloody and shit. i left the nail on greg's wet dry vacume. i have to remember to get it next time i'm there. . ok. time to go home.

Monday, June 29, 2009


working outside sucks. i'm ready for my desk job please... yesterday we recorded at chris george and dan's house. 2 TWO inch recordings within One Year! booya!... today i will finish my drums in theary. GOD DAMMIT.. why the fuck does these readio assholes follow me where ever i go?? i'm in PJ;s right now.. and they have the walton and johnson show on ?!!! what the fuck!.. it's funny . i made this little art project on saturday..

the dude that dj's after me is this young rush limba wana be... he works at the shitty classic rock station in new orleans that airs the walton and johnson trash every morning. and some how wtul let him dj here...? this older dj (uncle chris) who dj's cheese and kids told me "we used to be very picky with who we would let through this door" he was pissed like alot of other older djs about the new weenies come to the station.. i'm glad they opened the doors though because that is how i got in..but. now i wish they would shut the flood gates to the station and start to weed out the dummdumms... any way, back to the living room.
we are on day 4 today in algiers .. the church is right under the CCC bridge.. saturday we were taking a break outside and i told a couple rouggys about my irrational fear of a car flying off the bridge and squashing me. i think about when ever i'm under a high rise. then yesterday i was telling my mom were chris moved his studio.. and then she told me a story about an 18 wheeler that drove off the CCC into Algiers and landed on a bar at 3 am and crushed the people inside... so my fear is now rational! like the elivator fear too... when the cord will pop as i am half way out or into the elivator.. . shit . i need to go to work now.. . i still can't believe they are playing this garbage in the coffee shop! we should be listening to michal jackson like every other coffee shop in the country..

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June sucks

it;s not everyday you walk down frenchmen st and allen Tousant drives very slowly past you. i feel like that seen in the dannial johnston movie when he is throwing away all his shit. and then his freind thought he was goin to kill himself. . i really need a vacation. June 14th! train to memphis to bring back my favorites. that will be theariputical . anyway. time to talk about happy things. rougarou is finally goin to get to record at the new CG living room. Promis is as of today done tracking synth and keys .. and chopsley and secret passage are on our way to winning gramys for thje records that we just made. yep. life is good.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

so late

i realy fucked myself taking this midnight to 3 am soul show. i would love it alot more if people were accually awake to here my radio show. well enough bad news. on to good news. Melanie and Patrick .com are moving back home to new orleans! i have a train ticket to go drive there shit down in a u hall budget thingy. scott and elli are on there way to spain to consermate there marrage .. and i got to spend all day in a nasa building in the east. yippie!!! ok ..the next dj is finally here to put me to sleep. nighters

Sunday, May 31, 2009


me and my sister were driving to ralfs on the park the other day and a big fucking dumptruck hit us.
i am about to be a twenty nine year old young adult. and for the very first time ever i said the word shit infront of my dad. it happened at kim son on the westbank 3 days ago. yesterday scott and elli got married. there was a night before the wedding that we ate dinner in mississippi. it was great!. i think i took more photos of that night then the wedding day.

Monday, March 16, 2009

i can't wait to check out!

life still fucking sucks. its goin to get worst.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fuck Guitar Center and strip malls

so i have this freind Ed Blum (no relation to mike blum) and he fixes amps and other electronics for a living. he is a very unusual person though. talk to anyone that has had the pleasure of having gear repaired by ed. they will tell you an ear full about his demeaner. anyway . Ed makes these amps compleatly from scratch that he has been trying to sell. every conversation i have had with him in the past 2 years always has a sale pitch for his amps..

" life is getting boring and I'm too broke to go out once a week to a bar but I need to just get out now and then. Not many repairs are coming in, NO ONE is buying any of my boutique amps even though they are priced at COST plus 10% for the first lucky 7 which includes lifetime warranty except for tubes, speakers and abuse. After that, they go to retail and only one year warranty. Problem is I need at least half down and Guitar Center will let you take out the amp the same day and not have to start paying until a year later. Oh well...

Have fun"

i have played these amps and if you are on the market for an amazing sounding amp PLEASE !!! buy Ed's amp... i feel so bad for him.. and they are some of the best sounding amps i have ever played. so there is my sale pitch in there too. if i ever get 800 to 1100 dollars that is burning a whole in my stock market account then i go straight to new orleans east and take one of those amps off his hands..
ok. well . what else to talk about.. ummm.. life sucks.. and then your friends die.. fuck.

Friday, January 23, 2009

One of the 7 Wonders of the world....

Why the fuck do people flip there shit over king cake. it is nothing but stale sugar bread with crappy icing .. it fucking sucks.. i hate king cake almost more then when people say "there is goin to be food at my party!" and then it turns out to be finger sandwitches.. THATS NOT FOOD!!! and KING CAKE SUCKS ...cookie cakes from the mall.. .. year round festive freindly (thank god).. no pressure to swallow a plastic baby.. and it taste amazing! why can't that be freak out worthy. fuck. well . i am goin to go surf the internet in surch for funny pictures of fishing people holding barracudas.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jean-Paul Villere, broker, Villere Realty
"As slow as the market had been, values are stable in New Orleans, unlike the rest of the country. The value of Magazine Street is in the best shape it's been in the past few years."
John Paul is my boss and freind. i am curently painting a house he bought and is renivating on magazine st.

painting rules.. i am such a dead beat! i wish nasa would let me drive a shuttle into space . fuck!!! ok time to go record promis shit.