Friday, August 22, 2008

Set List

August 21, 2008
Nashville, Tennessee
Sommet Center
(me and dave call t noz to let him know we are about to see e street band)
1. Out In The Street
2. Radio Nowhere (steve called this one)
3. No Surrender (called lauren so she could hear this song . but it didn't work)
4. Lonesome Day
5. Spirit In The Night
at this point bruce is like MAX give me a beet! and then people start flipping the fuck out and rushing the stage with there posters that had song request, love messeges, old photo's of bruce playing baseball.. everything.. me nicole steve and dave were within feet of the stage.. it was fucking increadible. think of ... mermaid lounge close.. i could nearly high five him when he would lean over the crowd. holy shit balls.
6. Good Rockin' Tonight [Tour Premiere—first since 1980] .. he had to "have a confrence" with the band before playing this first random request. he was like "time to test the band".. and they pulled it off..
before the show started steve w was like "if bruce asked you what one song do you want us to play and we will do it"what would that song be......
7. Growin' Up (steve w grabbed me and screamed into my face for half the song...saying "fuck!!! i am throwing you on the stage!!!!fuck!!!"
8. I'm Going Down (called lauren agagin for this song .. she got it this time. this was the third request in a row he grabbed off of peoples cardboard signs in the crowd)
9. Held Up Without A Gun (bruce sweating so much at this point that he looked like a water sprinkler)
10. Darlington County
11. Loose Ends
12. Youngstown
13. Murder Incorporated (never really liked this song.. but after last night.. holy shit. it was fucking insane! .. holy shit!)
14. She's The One (extreem drunk guy that gave me dave and steve all dude pats at different parts through out the night seys "My life is complete now!" durring this song )
15. The Promised Land
16. Mary's Place (band gets lost .. bruce screams "G!" then they go a step higher.. then back on track)
16. (a). right here there was another song that bruce played with the guitar player.. i don't know why it's not on here?!! i dont know what song it was though.. aparently neather did the guitar player
17. I'm On Fire (another crowd sign he takes) sings this song on a chair that a roadie ran up and placed at the center front of the stage
18. The Rising
19. Last To Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands (holy shit.. max is a machine.. me and steve look at each other durring certian drum fills through out this song.)
less then
22. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
23. Thunder Road
plays these two into each other. max is a fucking machine
24. Born To Run
25. I Fought The Law (someone has a sign that seys happy birthday joe strummer)then they cover this song
26. Rosalita (i almost called doug jackson durring this song.. this was fucking increadible!)
27. American Land
bruce and the band take there second bow and crowd is still crazy.. then play there last song.
28. Dancing In The Dark
nearly three hours latter me and nicole still didnt go pee.

this is taken from a nerdyer springsteen web page.. but this is correct.
August 21 / Nashville, TN / Sommet Center
Notes: to come

Out in the Street
Radio Nowhere
No Surrender
Lonesome Day
Spirit in the Night
Good Rockin' Tonight
Growin' Up
I'm Goin' Down
Held Up Without a Gun
Loose Ends
Murder Inc.
Mona/She's the One
The Promised Land
Mary's Place
I Walk the Line/I'm on Fire
The Rising
Last to Die
Long Walk Home

1 comment:

QW said...

According to Steve, there is a faction of Springsteen fans (size unknown) who hold that "Girls in Their Summer Clothes" is his most perfect song ever.