you never heard how awsome the new jersey axcent is untill you heard it order a coffee in the Midtown's starbucks... "Im Gawna Hawva Dawbal, Twall, Swoy, no Milk, no Whauip cream lawtay" .. priceless.
got to hazlet yesterday. yepp.. new jersey.. my uncle tom bought a batting cage "for the kids" i think me and my uncles used it more then the cubs yesterday. the jersey fam is lookin kinda ruff lately... between MESSY divorces, shitty work, missing teeth and cancer... i dont know how they do it.. but fuck it... cause the North family's goin BOWLING TODAY!!! Nothing like a big ass fucking Turkey to cheer us up!
then its off to asbery park to the PINNBALL MUSIUM!! hopfully the boss is there playing his favorite pinnball machine.