Friday, December 23, 2011

Da Sick Haus

opposable thumbs played a show on wed night after me and chuck shared a verti mart cheese burger poboy.. im still feeling the effects of the food poisoning 2 days latter... chuck however just puked it up once and was done with it some how... that half of poboy squeezed every bit of fluid out of me like the juicer at satsuma.. i was so sick i thought i would die.. I SWEAR I WOULD DIE!... (Barr) so havent left the bed much.. hazlet has been right by my side on the road to recovery as well.. he had an abcest burst on his chest and had to stay at the vet for a few days for a sergery .. oh.. christmas.... how merry it is.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

i fucking love life!

in the past two days i prety much hit record orgazum.. i have purcased with hard erned glass money 2 out of three lp's that i serch for in every single record store i go in for the past 4 years.

john hartford's aereo plain

amd talk talk's laghing stock.. which i guess doesnt really count since they repressed it. but any way.. its been a great bunch of years for record buying!!!
everything else.... fthuuuurttttt (fart sounds)

Friday, December 2, 2011


best movie sound track ever