Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sooo hungover

happy augest motherfuckers.. i left yesterday for my month long 2011 "finding myself tour" .. im at will and marie's holding back puke from drinking too many shitty tall boys.. soft healer played there "maby" last show.. it was awsome! SMall bones played minutes later accroust the street. when we all woke up this monring (1pm) we watched one of my favorite movies ever made. HYPE! i must have watched that documentry 400 times in my life.. this time i imagined what would happen if that sinario took place in new orleans.. who would be the bands that would blow new orelans up and sell the whole world on our nola sound??!! i can only hope and prey my name is john michale can pull this fanticy thourgh...

Will is screaming about shitting his balls while floating sheet rock in the bathroom.
life is spactackular

Sunday, July 17, 2011

i love soft healing

tomorrow i turn 31. wow .. ive done apsolutly jack shit with my life..

i just found some reviews i did for imdb's web page while i was in the evacuation times..
Terror in the Swamp (1985)
4 out of 6 people found the following review useful:
Houma Pride!, 22 March 2006

This gem was shot in the swamps of houma, Louisiana, not even an hour from new Orleans. if you can find this rare horror flick i do suggest giving it a chance. If you are a fan of B horror films then this should do the job. it's about a half man / half nutria that kills people.. thats all i will say about the story.. the acting is awesome.. there is a scientist/doctor? character in the movie that has all of his lines poorly over dubed.. no one else but him received the overdubs. it's pretty funny. and if you pay attention there is a mistake in the editing towards the end of the movie that films are doin now a days to be hip.. but Terror in the Swamp started this trend!! don't be fooled!

The Snake King (2005) (TV)
2 out of 13 people found the following review useful:
Snakeman, 22 March 2006

This movie is great. the real name of it is snakeman ... thats what you'll have to look for in the video store.. this movie is so funny!! and the story is great! and the special effects are top notch CGI quality .. it reminds me more of those older clash of the Titans / Jason and the Argonauts types of movies.. so it starts off with Stephen Baldwin and a crew of People going to the amazon forest for some reason or another and then they run into some natives and there is a huge snake that eats people.. now that i think about it .. this is a lot like the 1933 king Kong.. oh god this movie is funny!! go and get a few friends and a six pack and watch it!!! snakeman will give yall hours of fun lines to quoit in public as an inside joke to make other people around you thing that yall are really cool or just weird.

i am a fucking dumbass