Friday, January 23, 2009

One of the 7 Wonders of the world....

Why the fuck do people flip there shit over king cake. it is nothing but stale sugar bread with crappy icing .. it fucking sucks.. i hate king cake almost more then when people say "there is goin to be food at my party!" and then it turns out to be finger sandwitches.. THATS NOT FOOD!!! and KING CAKE SUCKS ...cookie cakes from the mall.. .. year round festive freindly (thank god).. no pressure to swallow a plastic baby.. and it taste amazing! why can't that be freak out worthy. fuck. well . i am goin to go surf the internet in surch for funny pictures of fishing people holding barracudas.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jean-Paul Villere, broker, Villere Realty
"As slow as the market had been, values are stable in New Orleans, unlike the rest of the country. The value of Magazine Street is in the best shape it's been in the past few years."
John Paul is my boss and freind. i am curently painting a house he bought and is renivating on magazine st.

painting rules.. i am such a dead beat! i wish nasa would let me drive a shuttle into space . fuck!!! ok time to go record promis shit.